The Cutting Edge Catalog

Which Total Shield Is Right For Me?

Which Total Shield Is Right For Me?
When we started offering this product more than 18 years ago, there was no WiFi, few cell phones and computers, cordless phones (DECT) were relatively new, and the levels of EMFs in general were much lower. The cell-phone transmission standard was 3G only a few years ago; now the standard is moving to 5G. If a customer lived in the suburbs and had no external stressors such as overhead power lines, we recommended a single coil. Now, with all the electronics in people's homes and with more, newer and more powerful products on the way, we suggest that a 2-coil is the minimum if one lives in a suburban environment without any external stressors.

Many of our customers recognize that the EMF problem isn't going to get better any time soon; it is going to get worse with the prevalence of smart meters, 5G cell frequencies, and more cell towers. More of our customers are purchasing the stronger 3- and 4- coil units so they can have the capacity available as the EMF issues increase over time. We also suggest that people with electrical sensitivities or who live very close to power lines or cell towers buy a stronger model.

When you are away from home and want to take the Total Shield protection with you, look at the Mini Harmonizer and the Micro Harmonizer. Both these units provide the Schumann Resonance protection that the Total Shield provides, although with lesser power and range. The Mini was designed as a travel unit so people can put it in their hotel room (handles about 100 square feet) or wherever they are staying. The Mini is also available in a version that is four times stronger, Model 4X. Although many customers will use the Mini as a personal protection device, carrying it with them during their travels, the Micro was designed solely as a personal protection device and is worn on your body or carried in your pocket or purse.

Total Shield also provides farm units that cover from 10 to 50 acres. Click here for more information on the farm units.

Click here to go back to the Total Shield order page.

The information on this Website should not be construed as medical advice. This product is not a medical device or a substitute for your health practitioner’s advice. If you have a medical problem, consult a physician or other health practitioner.

Customer Reviews
By Michael
I purchased the 4 coil Total Shield and I am extremely happy with the product. The energy in the house seems to be much more relaxing/calming and my wife and I both sleep deeper/more relaxed. I would recommend this product to anyone who has to deal with "dirty electricity" and/or geopathic stress.

By Patricia
The Total Shield was recommended by a friend who got it on the recommendation of her therapist, who has been using the device in his practice for over ten years. I am extremely satisfied with this product which I use mostly in my workplace (a university) where the electropollution is extremely high (Wifi, etc.). It contributes to a nice working atmosphere where the students are able to concentrate properly. I also use my Total Shield 3 on the fast train (TGV) in Europe when there are plugs available. I can say it changed my traveling life since I no longer suffer from electromagnetic pollution-induced headaches the day after traveling.

1s1s1s1s1sBy Daryl
By daryl
As soon as I plugged in my new Total Shield the discomfort I'd been feeling from electromagnetic fields in my new rental (much too full of electrical devices and outlets) disappeared, creating a calm, fresh-air feeling almost instantaneously.

By Claire
The Total Shield is a great addition to the home or workplace, potentiating the sense of well-being. We are so fortunate to have this company that not only foresaw the connection of Wifi, smart meters, dirty electricity, etc., to illness, but offers high-quality products to negate these interferences! --Claire Riendeau, N.D., N.M.D., Th.D., Reno, NV

1s1s1s1s1sdebby lenz
By Debra
I recommend this product to anyone suffering from smart meters. It protects fully on all levels from smart phones, smart meters, geopathic stress as well as dirty electricity. I have suggested to everyone in my practice of healing with subtle energies of flower essences to have one.

1s1s1s1s1sTotal Shield -- has made my life livable
By Marianna
I have had the larger version of the Total Shield for over a year now -- found it on Amazon, but plan to buy one of the pocket versions here. I am writing this because I got the single coil version, and no-one has written about it. I find the single coil version ample for my uses and have never felt any overage from it. I had a master dowser friend test the room we were in (blind) for EMF's, and on repeated trials, he demonstrated a 90% plus reduction of RMF's when the Total Shield was on the EMF setting.

1s1s1s1s1sHAARP Relief At Last!
By Leslie
I leave my new 4 coil Total Shield on the HAARP setting 24/7. I have not had such peace and quiet since about the year 2000, when HAARP first turned up its volume. I am an autistic person who is extremely sensitive to low frequency radio waves. HAARP felt to me like the constant pounding beat of a base drum. I am now enjoying peaceful nights, relaxing days and returning health. I would highly recommend the Total Shield to anyone who suffers from "The Hum".

1s1s1s1s1sBy Wil
By Wilfrid
I bought the 4-coils model in 2011 and believe that it's much too strong for our house. It was giving us headaches so I put it in the shed, 50 feet from the house, which is better. I have several friends who bought the 2-coils model and they find it perfect for their average home and we agree. With the Micro Harmonizer for outdoors it's a perfect match. I would more recommend the 2-coils model which now has the HAARP protection.

1s1s1s1s1s3 Coil for Los Angeles
By Dayna
I tried a few different versions of the coils before keeping the 3 coil (I'm sensitive, so the 4 coil was too much, but the city is heavy in EMFs, of course). Last summer had the HAARP setting on, but don't usually leave it on - it's intense! I periodically unplug this as well. It is effective, but keep in mind it is not organic, i.e. it won't evolve with you. It was absolutely necessary 2014/15 in LA - I was quite desperate for some relief (more and more microwave towers, etc.) I recommend testing out the different coils for such a long-term investment. CutCat was really good about this (just brace yourself for shipping costs back and forth). Ants and moths have responded accordingly -- moths left with the geopathic setting, and ants respond to the EMF stress.

1s1s1s1s1sNothing like it!
By Ellie
I highly recommend this product! After more than 10 years of dealing with increasing sensitivity to Wifi and cell phone frequencies, and more devices and approaches than I can count, I came across the Total Shield. Initially intrigued but highly skeptical, I can now report that I am sleeping through the night in my own bed again after 4 long months, my fatigue has evaporated, and my sense of well-being is dramatically increased. Two practitioners doing energy work have confirmed that my adrenals are once again happy! The heart palpitations are gone, headaches and fatigue gone. Before this device, I had a nearly constant state of fatigue (mental and physical exhaustion), digestive issues, body ache, dizziness, and nearly constant headaches. My body is able to settle its own issues now, returned to a healing state with these frequencies (I have it set on "both.") The difference is unbelievable. A note to those considering which coil version: I started with the 3-coil, but it was slightly too much (barely noticeable fullness sensation in my head, slight ringing in my ears). The people that have ordered based on trying my unit (they have similar issues/symptoms) needed the 2-coil; the 3-coil is too much. For those not sure about trying "one more thing" that may or may not work, this is the one you've been waiting for. No issues at all, btw, with returning the 3-coil to get the 2-coil; owner is easy to work with. If you live around folks with Wifi, have a cell phone on or are near a tower, live near high-tension lines or substations, or work in an environment bathed in these and other electrical frequencies, or have children (!!!!!!!!) this technology is a must. Am also ordering a Micro Harmonizer for when I'm out and about. Had forgotten what it felt like to feel so good....

1s1s1s1s1sThe Total Shield is a fantastic product
By janice
I suffer from EMF disturbances. I used to have an earthing sheet to sleep on and devices all over my house to help me out. After having the Total Shield I am able to sleep without my earthing sheet and my agitation around all the other devices in my house is so much less. I purchased another one for my mom's house and she also sleeps much better. I am very grateful for this device and for Jules and all his caring advice.

1s1s1s1s1sTotal Shield
By Debra
This product saved my life. I had severe insomnia, my nerves were 'fried'. I now recommend it to clients. One young woman had headaches for 12 years. They stopped instantly. I can cite example after example. I use the Mini Harmonizer when I leave the house so I am protected 24 hours a day. Suggestion: read the book Earthing. Medical tests prove the deterioration of bone and clumping of cells that cause disease.

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