The Cutting Edge Catalog

Total Shield

Total Shield
This popular multipurpose unit detects, interrupts and neutralizes electromagnetic fields, geopathic stress and other harmful waves in your home or office. The unit broadcasts these disturbances through the Tesla-type coil. For EMF protection, the Total Shield produces a 7.83 Hz field (the Earth's natural field, also called the Schumann Resonance), which blankets up to a 38,000-square-foot area (depending on the model; see below for details) and overcomes negative EMF fields. It helps protect you from all electrical and electronic devices, including computers, TVs, microwaves, even power lines outside your house. For geopathic stress, the unit detects and then amplifies the waves, reversing them by 180 degrees and retransmitting them. This counteracts the harmful waves, similar to how noise cancellation technology uses a low hum to cancel sounds.

The Total Shield also includes HAARP protection. HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a military program that analyzes the ionosphere and investigates the potential for developing radio communications and surveillance. In order to do this, high-power radio frequency transmitters beam high-frequency waves into the ionosphere--the level above 80,000 feet. These waves have not been proven to be safe for humans.

You can use the Total Shield in one of three ways: EMF protection only, geopathic stress only or a combination of both. Colored lights blink at the Schumann resonance and can be used for stress relief or to help with biofeedback. Runs on included (110/220V) AC adapter.

NEW optional 5G antenna provides specific against these frequencies. It can be ordered as an add-on to any unit for $95. Click here for more information about the 5G antenna.

The units are available in four coil strengths, with each additional coil adding 50% more intensity. Stronger units are appropriate for people who:

  • Live in large cities
  • Are very sensitive to EMFs
  • Have a large number of electronic devices in their home or office
  • Live very close to power lines or substations.
    Click here for more customer reviews and more information on choosing the right model for you.
    All units measure 9" high x 4.5" wide. Coverage: Single-coil 20,000 square feet; two-coil 28,280; three-coil 36,641; four-coil 40,000.
    Click here to download the Total Shield manual.

    The information on this Website should not be construed as medical advice. This product is not a medical device or a substitute for your health practitioner’s advice. If you have a medical problem, consult a physician or other health practitioner.
  • Model*
    Single Coil   $325.00
    Two Coil   $400.00
    Three Coil   $470.00
    Four Coil   $525.00
    Optional 5G Antenna  $95.00
    Customer Reviews
    1s1s1s1s0sTotal Shield Works
    By marilee
    I bought this 4 Coil because my daughter has a chronic mystery illness and they told me she has EMF sensitivities. I also had a major problem sleeping at night in the city. AFter we purchased the machine, EMF"S no longer show up in her scans and I'm sleeping through the night. There has to be something to it. I think we all need to protect ourselves from these unhealthy EMFS that we can't escape from. We also need to turn off our wifi and router and night. I love it, and don't think I'll ever live without it, unless I move into the forest somewhere.

    1s1s1s1s1stotal shield
    By Belinda

    1s1s1s1s1sThank you!!
    By Kevin
    I'm so glad I don't have to live without the total shield. A couple of years ago my wife and I were not sleeping well and had other worrisome agitation and heart rhythms. My wife also noticed some areas in town seemed to cause more agitation than at home. We helped ourselves some by turning off our wifi at night. Our natural path introduced us to Total Shield and the Mini Harmonizer. I bought the mini harmonizer to try it out. The first night with it on while sleeping was proof enough for us. After two or three years we have purchased total shields for us and friends. I am buying another mini harmonizer and 5G chip right now, and just thought of writing this review. It has been a God send. Kevin

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