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Oxy-Cleanse Colon Conditioner

# S 3000
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Oxy-Cleanse Colon Conditioner
A natural way to cleanse, Oxy-Cleanse works by releasing ozone and oxygen, which actually break down old impacted material from your colon. Each capsule contains 346 mg. magnesium, 150 mg. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 50 mg. bioflavonoid complex and 50 mg. sodium. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids assist the body in converting magnesium peroxide to ozone. Also contains rice flour and gelatin. 75 capsules.
Click here for frequently asked questions about Oxy-Cleanse.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Customer Reviews
1s1s1s1s1sbest product used
By Maria
I have done all kinds of cleansing but I have never done something that was so easy and effective. You can really see the cleansing for as long as you need it. I am then taking it as a digestive or just to keep my colon clean. Everybody should know about this product

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