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MoldCheck Test Kit (Multiple Tests)

# E MC
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MoldCheck Test Kit (Multiple Tests)
Toxic molds are becoming more prevalent in homes because modern construction does not always use mold-resistant materials. Moist climates also can cause mold indoors. Ths do-it-yourself MoldCheck kit is easy to use: Simply place mold film in the suspect areas, let it sit for an hour, add activation solution and place it in the incubator box. Three days later, you’ll know if you have mold. The instructions will explain how to interpret your results. Kit contains 5, 10 or 15 mold spore detection films (please specify number when ordering), activation liquid, incubator box, liquid spreader, swab, Building Detective Guide that tells you how to inspect your house, and a Clean-Up Guide with tips on safely cleaning mold.
This product is not returnable once opened.

Click below for instructional video.

We also have a single-use mold kit for testing one area.

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